School hours are as follows:
School commences: 9.00am
Morning tea: 10.45–11.15am
Lunch: 12.45–1.30pm
School finishes: 3.00pm
For your child’s safety, please ensure that your children do not come to school before 8.05am or after 8.55am.
The school crossing is not supervised until 8.05am and there is no playground supervision provided before school. If the students do arrive before 8.30am, they need to sit in the covered area and a bell will ring at 8.30am to dismiss them. They may play with basic sports equipment at this time, but playground structures are out of bounds.
Students are not permitted to use playgrounds after school unless under parent supervision.
Preparatory year parents are requested to wait behind the prep building so that children are not distracted during the reflection time before the bell.
Office hours are 8.30am–4.00pm.